If you are coming from the north (Sisterdale) take 1376 south and turn right onto Johns Road and right into HCAEH.
If you are coming from the west (Pipe Creek) take 16 east to 46 east which runs you into 1-10. Head north and exit to the right on Johns Road, hospital is on the left.
If you are coming from the northeast (Kendalia), take 3160 south to 46 west. Turn right on Main Street and left onto Johns Road – HCAEH is on the right side before you reach I-10.
If you are coming from the northwest (Comfort), take I-10 south to Johns Road exit. Turn left, pass the Dollar General and take another left into the parking lot.

front of hospital view from Johns road

front of hospital view from Johns road

*Please come directly to the back if you have a large dog that cannot walk and call us to let us know you are there.